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Full Ingredients

  • 6.4g Hydrolysed Collagen Peptides

Believe it or not, your collagen production starts to decline after the age of 25. Our collagen drink helps to replace that lost collagen, improving your skin’s elasticity and preventing the signs of ageing. 

  • Hyaluronic Acid 

It’s been banded around as a beauty buzz word but hyaluronic acid is a clear, gooey substance that is naturally produced by the body. The largest amounts of it are found in your skin, connective tissues and eyes, but as we age these amounts slowly decrease. Incorporating it into your daily skincare routine gives your skin that extra injection of moisture which helps to reduce dry skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. 

  • Retinol 

Also known as vitamin A, retinol is a firm favourite anti-ageing ingredient amongst dermatologists. It works by increasing the cell turnover in the skin, boosting the production of collagen and elastin (the bits of the skin that make it ‘bouncy’ and ‘young-looking’). Unlike other ingredients, retinol isn’t produced by the body, meaning it needs to be supplied through supplements. 

  • Vitamin C (100% of your recommended daily allowance) 

Vitamin C’s skincare benefits are LEGENDARY. A natural antioxidant, it helps your skin’s natural regeneration process and stops the production of melanin, which is what causes discolouration like dark spots and hyperpigmentation. When used daily, it can also help prevent dark spots from forming all together. 

  • Vitamin D3 (100% of your recommended daily allowance) 

Often referred to as ‘the sunshine vitamin’, vitamin D3 boosts your immune system which helps your skin to fight against skin conditions such as acne, rosacea and general inflammation. 

  • Zinc & Biotin (100% of your recommended daily allowance)

Zinc promotes a healthy heart as well as keeping your bones and joints healthy. Biotin promotes healthy hair and nail growth by boosting the production of keratin (the protein that makes up your hair, skin and nails). 

  • Inulin 

An naturally produced energy source, inulin helps you to keep fuller for longer whilst keeping your gut healthy. 

  • Natural Peach Flavouring 

Used to badly tasting supplements? Our sugar-free peach flavouring is what gives it a deliciously sweet taste. 

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